We carry out around 9 inspections per month. As you would imagine, the results vary hugely. Some systems need no work and have been maintained well over the years, others are not compliant and there are a variety of reasons for this. Our Foul Water system assessment is based on facts and we work through every case with the client to find the most suitable solution for them.
We occasionally find that home owners have been told that they need to change or update their tanks when this is not actually the case. Sometimes simple remedial works can completely transform a system from a disaster to a compliant, healthy one.
We do not sell tanks so have no vested interest in recommending a new one when it is not necessary.
Some systems have been outgrown or neglected over the years and a complete or partial replacement is the best course of action. We can offer guidance as to how this can be achieved depending on the clients requirements. It may be that the potential buyer needs to be shown what is needed so that the sale can complete without the works being carried out by the vendor.
If required we can provide names of reputable local contractors to carry out any work required. We know most local groundwork companies and can manage as much or as little as you wish. We can organise quotes or estimates to enable you to;
A) Make an informed choice.
B) Ensure the quotes are comparable.
C) Be assured that the install is designed correctly and
D) Allow you the option to be as involved as you wish.
Our reports are admissible to any solicitor, vendor or potential buyer. You will receive a comprehensive document on the current situation regarding your foul water system and it's compliance. The report also highlights any works which may, or may not, be needed in order to comply with the regulations. It is always available for future reference and reports are kept electronically, on file under Job number, house name and client name so it can be reproduced of referred to at any point in the future.
The Presbytery at St Roberts in Harrogate had an internal issue with the foul water pipe work and, after a few inconclusive inspections from others, FPS Ltd were called to see if we could shed any light on the cause of the issue. We suspected a misplaced joint to be the cause of the damage but could not be certain without a CCTV inspection. This was carried out under supervision by FPS Ltd and, as suspected, we found a miss-aligned joint under the concrete floor. The run was lined and the issue fixed, no internal excavation required.
While the CCTV camera was on site we decided to make use of the minimum half day charge from the CCTV company and survey the entire run from the misplaced joint on wards. Several issues where identified including the major collapse pictured above which could have quickly backed up the whole system at any given time. A plan of works was put together and FPS Ltd managed the complete project with a view to get the entire system up to a serviceable condition with no surprises lurking round the corner.
FPS Ltd now carry out an inspection twice a year, once at the end of autumn and then again after the last winter frost. We provide photographic evidence of all 12 Rain water gullies, the 2 road gullies and all 8 Inspection chambers on the entire Combined foul and surface water system. As well as the report we carry out simple maintenance and report back, to the Church management, on any major works which are required or may be required in the future.
A self builder in Cumbria had planning permission to build a house for him and his wife on a triangular shaped plot. The plot was hemmed in with two roads and a banking bordering the site. There was no option but to deal with the surface and foul water on site, however the architect had not made provision for any of the drainage detail other than a couple of generic lines on the plans
The build was well out of the ground by the time FPS Ltd were called and the treatment plant had already been installed we needed to get all the authorities to 'give a little' to make the site work. FPS Ltd were tasked with coming up with a design which was as close to meeting all the criteria as possible but most importantly we had to prove it could work.
After drawing up a workable plan, we then needed to convince Building control as well as The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and Highways that; if they could all allow a little leeway then, together, we could save this project. We succeeded. As well as improving the water quality on and off site and helping the builder, who went from being left completely high and dry to being able to complete the project.
This was a tricky job to say the least. 1 old style septic tank which, after some remedial work, was perfectly serviceable. 130 metres of collapsing clay pipe work travelling through 2 separate neighbouring properties on which neither of owners wanted the work to be carried out. They had in fact only just discovered that the system existed at all. There was no alternative workable option so a plan was devised to repair the old tank and replace the pipework which weaved its way through the neighbours woodland whose stipulation was that no root over 2" could be disturbed.
The neighbours also demanded that the old clay pipe be entirely removed and in addition to this they requested that the new plastic pipe be placed in the exact same location and was to be threaded through, under and over the lattice of roots in the woodland. The client and owner of the system, very graciously, wished to meet their requests and carry out the work to achieve the goal. After negotiating this deal we were then tasked with finding a contractor willing to carry out this pain staking project, which we did and which they executed with skill and resolve while being carefully watched!
The system was repaired to meet the General Binding rules. The customer was delighted to have a system that he no longer had to worry and, with the correct maintenance schedule, the property could be passed on through the generations safe in the knowledge that the system would not require any major works for a long time to come. The neighbours where all left happy with no complaints. The Environment Agency, who had been involved from the start, complemented the system on the 'extremely high quality' of the discharge entering the soak-away which we had added to the system to satisfy the General Binding Rules.
The Blackburn Diocese where having structural issues with the main internal pillars of the Church slowly sinking into the ground, also known as Stilettoing. This was affecting the roof and it was suspected that the pillars were washing out due to surface water travelling under the building. We were asked to carry out a drain survey by the structural engineering consultants and supply a plan of the layout and our findings as well as recommendations of how to fix the issues
Having completed a full CCTV drain survey and supplying a quick sketch for the Diocese, we discovered damage caused by work that had been carried out to add a new foul sewer. This had been carried out by a local building firm alongside some volunteers a few years previously. The new run had damaged the surface water drains in 3 separate locations and the water was travelling under the building this was washing out under the church's pillars.
We repaired all the faults and whilst working long side the Archaeological adviser and keeping the DAC, Diocese Advisory Committee, up to speed with the progress we were able to stop the washing out under the church building, improve the surface water system and all on budget. The DAC were then able to repair the Stilletoing and apply for the funding to renew the church roof. The existing building dates back to 1886 and can now continue to be used a place of worship for many years to come.
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